
I No Longer Worry About My To-do-list: 1-3-5 Task Planner Does…
December 24, 2020

I No Longer Worry About My To-do-list: 1-3-5 Task Planner Does…

A few years, when I was handling an assortment of tasks, I was sucked into a black hole. I found myself constantly thinking about the numerous tasks at hand:

  • Which task to accomplish first and which to schedule next?
  • How to arrange tasks based on their significance level?
  • Will I be able to finish the tasks?
  • Is anything else pending on my list?

*Anxious and biting nails* *“Where am I? Oh, still on task 3. What about task 5? How much time am I left with?” *

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I finished the workday and in the late evening I began to introspect on the way I handle my list of tasks. The more I thought about it, the more behavioral patterns I began to envisage. If I have an unread email, I find myself constantly wondering what it says. If I have an article that still needs editing, I cannot relax until I have proof-read and published the article. At the same time, my boss assigns me another set of tasks — and this gets added on my still to-do list.

It suddenly flashed me that I expended so much energy on thinking and deciding which all tasks to accomplish instead of following a set pattern of task priority.

Curiosity is good they say. So, I started looking for reasons to justify my behavior. It did appear that failing to complete a task creates underlying cognitive tension, which makes one keep thinking about the task. It is interesting to know what happens inside our brains when we have unfinished tasks.

Once our brain receives information, it stores it in the sensory memory for a brief time. Sensory information is received through our five senses — sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch — is stored temporarily before it moves to the short-term memory. Here we pay attention to the task. When a task is not complete, our brains constantly rehearse it to keep the information active. That is what creates the underlying cognitive tension. Once we complete the task, a sense of relief dawns upon us and the stored information is forgotten.

Hence, when we have an unfinished task, we cannot help but torture ourselves by recalling it repeatedly, to keep it in our short-term memory. Our brains cannot let it go until it has been done. I wondered ‘If I cannot overcome this task-specific cognitive tension, how can I put it to effective use, especially when it comes my long to-do list.’

Then in 2020, my organization introduced me to using a digital task planner where I could plot the task for the day, week, month and year. From then on, I could just relax and execute the tasks on a priority basis.

So, after I started using the 1-3-5 task planner, those unfinished tasks no longer continue to haunt me. I am now confident that I can put the energy to good use and get things done systematically that I would otherwise struggle with.

I absolutely love this tool. It is such a simple formula for success. I use it to plan my day, my week, my month and my 90-days. Any time I am feeling overwhelmed, I add my tasks to the list and relax on the thought that 1-3-5 Task Planner will take care. It’s amazing how well it works and I encourage organizations to use it too.

Let me introduce you to the 1-3-5 Priority-based Task Planner that helps you organize your daily tasks.

1-3-5 Priority-based Task Planner is a user-friendly software to assign tasks on priority to your team for a day, month or across the year. With the software, you can plan, monitor and report your tasks online—anytime, anywhere. Managers can assign tasks and update their status. You can organize your tasks based on their level of importance and date of submission. All your work is integrated to deliver a clear organizational view of task progress report to your manager.

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Why 1-3-5 Priority-based Task Planner?

Bucket classification of tasks

You can organize tasks based on their priority level (Importance level: 1 –Task to be completed without fail, 3- Three tasks that are necessary to be done, 5- Five tasks that you can consider completing). This tool helps you prioritize your tasks based on urgency vs importance.

Effectively manage workload

Managers can list the tasks assigned to subordinates. Shift the unfinished tasks to another date and keep a check on deadlines.

Centralized view of tasks

Bring all tasks into one central list to check the progress of tasks assigned. Get an organizational snapshot view of tasks recorded, and log of deleted and moved tasks.

Benefits of 1-3-5 Task Planners:

  • User-friendly interface to plan your calendar of tasks.
  • Buckets your task list based on 1-3-5 priority.
  • Assign tasks and notify members.
  • Prioritize tasks, set due dates and check status of work.
  • Obtain a 360° organizational level overview of the task.
  • Visualize cross-team dependencies and delegate workload balance.
  • Obtain the satisfaction of checking off completed tasks.

Reasons why 1-3-5 not like any other To-Do List:

  • Every task is arranged on a priority basis.
  • You can easily copy and move tasks to another date.
  • Managers can fetch an overview of the status of tasks.
  • Managers can assign task to subordinates.
  • Reports are generated to monitor usage and productivity.
  • The timesheet feature (start-stop-pause) records the amount of time you have spent on each task.

Request a Demo Get the ultimate task planning tool for your organization. We encourage you to avail a demo session for your entire team to explore the features of the application.

1-3-5 Priority-based Task Planner software is developed by emQube LLC, a software company headquartered in Dubai. We serve the business automation needs of companies in the digital era.

Emqube products are built in collaboration with real world experts and we have a vast experience in running successful teams. Emqube development philosophy is to build software that is easy to use and with innate intelligence to give more for less

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